MacArthur Grantees Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
On this day 75 years today, the atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima took place, the first use of nuclear weapons in war. Three days later, a similar bombing took place in Nagasaki, Japan. In addition to the staggering human toll, authorities have spent decades trying to track the physical, environmental and economic effects of the attack.
Though few today remember this event, nuclear weapons still hold the potential to change the contours of global society and pose an existential threat. Despite significant reductions in the number of nuclear weapons since the height of the Cold War, around 14,000 remain today, and the risk of accidental or intentional use remains.
At MacArthur we seek to support policy research, policy dialogue, and efforts to strengthen the nuclear policy field. Learn more about our Nuclear Challenges grantmaking, and read MacArthur’s Theo Kalionzes’ reflections on maintaining nuclear security amid other global crises:
And check out how our grantees are commemorating this anniversary on social media: